
Ambassador Contact Jamie

Thank you for your interest in undergraduate research. Our website has a lot of useful information to help you get started on your research journey: https://www.research.undergraduate.vt.edu/research-and-engagement/student-research-and-engagement/getting-started-guide.html.
The Ambassadors are also available to help you individually. You can drop in to our weekly office hours (https://www.research.undergraduate.vt.edu/about-us/ambassadors.html) or complete this form to ask a question. We aim to get you a response within 48 hours (exceptions to this time frame include holidays and weekends). The more information you can give us, the better we can help you.
Your full name (First Last):
Your VT email address:
Your major(s):
Your expected year of graduation:
Your research interest(s), if you already know:
Question(s) for the OUR Ambassador:
Would you like to be added to OUR listserv and receive weekly information about undergraduate research opportunities and related activities?
Click the arrows below to submit your question(s) to the OUR Ambassador. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.
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