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The R.B. Pamplin Society (RBPS) is a council of volunteers dedicated to fostering seamless collaboration and effective communication between diverse Pamplin College of Business (Pamplin) committees, serving as the pivotal link that enables collective success. Our mission is to streamline the flow of information, resources, and ideas, empowering each committee to excel in their unique goals while promoting a harmonious, united vision for Pamplin as a whole. Through our core pillars of foundation (membership, engagement, contribution, and service), we aim to drive innovation and progress within our community. As advocates of inclusivity and cooperation, we pledge to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect, understanding, and support, ultimately unlocking the full potential of each committee member and amplifying the positive impact of our collective endeavors.
Contact Information
About the Pamplin Society
There are two types of members, active and honorary. Which membership type do you feel suits you best?
Please rank (1-4) the following Pamplin Society Pillars of Foundation in order of your interest:
Membership is what builds the structure of the RBPS. The Membership pillar is responsible for the identification, recruitment and vetting of new members; through active engagement of the Recent Alumni Board (RAB), other Pamplin College of Business Committees and other alumni channels. Securing committed candidates is our primary goal. 
Engagement is what propels the RBPS. The Engagement pillar is responsible for maintaining and growing member involvement through strategy, events and defined initiatives. Platforms for engagement may include but are not limited to, professional and personal education, networking events, giving campaigns, social media interaction, and more. Keeping members engaged, active, and driven toward common objectives are our primary goals.
Contribution is what supports the RBPS. The Contribution pillar is responsible for the society’s operational efficiency, sustainability, and successful pursuit of its objectives. Securing sponsorship opportunities and membership reconciliation are our primary goals.
Service is what motivates the RBPS. The Service pillar is responsible for facilitating the promotion and growth of the society. Through events, the Service pillar organizes and promotes our primary focus, promoting our involvement within Pamplin is our primary goal.
Would you or your company be willing to host an in-person Pamplin Society Event?
What is your preferred method of communication, select all that apply:
Are there any specific skills or areas of expertise you would like to contribute to the Pamplin Society?
Do you understand and agree with the expectation of contributing a minimum of $250.00/year to the Pamplin annual fund (including the Dean’s Excellence Fund or Excellence Fund for any unit of Pamplin?
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