

AI Storybook Reading Study

Questions marked with a * are required
Permission to Take Part in a Research Study (School Visit)

Title of research study: 22-357 AI Storybook Reading 
Principal Investigator: Koeun Choi, Human Development and Family Science, (540) 231-5720, koeun@vt.edu 
Other study contact(s): Jisun Kim, Human Development and Family Science, jisunk@vt.edu 
Caroline Hornburg, Human Development and Family Science, (540) 231-2664, chornburg@vt.edu 
Myounghoon Jeon, Industrial and Systems Engineering, (540) 231-3510, myounghoonjeon@vt.edu 
Shannon Mury, Child Development Center for Learning and Research, smarsha@vt.edu
Key Information: The following is a short summary of this study to help you decide whether or not to provide permission for your child to be a part of this study. More detailed information is listed later on in this form. 

Why is my child being invited to take part in a research study? We invite your child to take part in a Virginia Tech research study because your child enrolled in a preschool or child care center that has given permission to use their site for this project. This study includes children between ages of 3-5 years who speak English and have not yet started kindergarten.
What should I know about my child being in a research study?
  • Someone will explain this research study to you and your child.
  • Whether or not you provide permission is up to you.
  • You can choose not to provide permission.
  • You can provide permission and later change your mind.
  • Your decision will not be held against your child.
  • You can ask all the questions you want before you decide.

What should I know about this research study?
  • We are interested in understanding how children learn from shared book reading with an Artificial intelligence (AI) reading partner.
  • We expect that your child’s participation in this research study will take approximately 100 minutes in total. There will be 5 sessions, which take 20 min each.
  • During the first and last sessions, your child will meet with researchers to play word and math games and answer questions. For the three sessions in between, your child will read a storybook with an AI reading partner and answer questions while wearing a wristband. All of children’s sessions will be conducted on-site at their school at a time and place coordinated with the school. More detailed information about the study procedures can be found under “What happens if I say yes, I want my child to be in this research?”
  • There is only minimal risk associated with this research project. It is not more than what is experienced in a typical preschool/childcare center classroom. More detailed information about the risks of this study can be found under “Is there any way being in this study could be bad for my child? (Detailed Risks)”.
  • There are no benefits to your child from their taking part in this research. We cannot promise any benefits to others from their taking part in this research. However, possible benefits to others include gaining a better understanding of the effective design and use of AI voice assistant technology to promote early learning.
  • Providing your permission for your child to take part in research is completely up to you and your child. You can decide to provide permission or not provide permission to participate. The decision whether to participate or not in this research will have no effect on your child’s relationship with your child's school or Virginia Tech.

Detailed Information: The following is detailed information about this study in addition to the information above. 

Who can I talk to? If you have questions, concerns, or complaints, or think the research has hurt your child, talk to the research team at koeun@vt.edu or jisunk@vt.edu.
This research has been reviewed and approved by the Virginia Tech Institutional Review Board (IRB). You may communicate with them at 540-231-3732 or irb@vt.edu if:
  • You have questions about your child’s rights as a research subject
  • Your questions, concerns, or complaints are not being answered by the research team
  • You cannot reach the research team
  • You want to talk to someone besides the research team to provide feedback about this research 
How many people will be studied? We plan to include about 140 children in this research study.

What happens if I say yes, I want my child to be in this research? The entire procedure of this study will take approximately 100 minutes for your child. This study consists of 5 sessions (20 min each; total 100 min). If you provide your permission for your child to join this study, your child will be asked to do the following.
  • Child sessions (5 sessions, 20 min each): During the first and last sessions, your child will meet with researchers to play math and word games and answer questions. For the three sessions in between, your child will read a storybook with an AI reading partner and answer questions. While reading the storybook, your child will wear a wristband to measure their physiological engagement in reading.
  • Audio/video recording of the child sessions: We will video and audio record all sessions. Recordings will be used for research purposes. Digital copies will be kept in the lab. Identifiable videos will be viewed for purposes of data analysis and training. Only authorized research personnel may view these recordings. Identifiable recordings will not be shown, either publicly or as part of the presentation of data, unless you give your permission on the form below. The results will be reported as group response patterns. Your child’s responses do not make them identifiable. The data we collect are confidential, and we do not disclose results from any individual participant to parents, subjects, or the university.

What happens if I say yes, but I change my mind later? You can withdraw your permission for your child’s participation in this research at any time, for any reason, and it will not be held against you. If you decide you no longer want your child to participate in this research, contact the researcher so that the researcher can cancel scheduled sessions. Your child can leave this research at any time for any reason. If your child decides to stop, he/she can tell the researcher and the researcher will end the task immediately. If you wish to withdraw your child, you will be asked for permission to use data collected up to the point of withdrawal. Data collected to the point of withdrawal will be used for the study, it is requested to be destroyed by you or your child.

Is there any way being in this study could be bad for my child? (Detailed Risks). There are no known risks to participating in this study. There is only minimal risk associated with this research project. It is not more than what is experienced in a typical home environment.

Can my child be removed from the research without my OK? Your child will not be removed from the research study without your approval.

What happens to the information collected for the research? We will make every effort to limit the use and disclosure of your child’s personal information, including research study and medical records, only to people who have a need to review this information. We cannot promise complete confidentiality. Organizations that may inspect and copy your child’s information include the IRB, Human Research Protection Program, and other authorized representatives of Virginia Tech. Any suspicions of child abuse, neglect, or other concerning circumstances will be reported by researchers to the PI, Dr. Koeun Choi, who will report to the appropriate channels. Specifically, Dr. Choi, after informing the parent, will be obligated to contact the Department of Social Services, in compliance with the mandatory reporting laws of the state of Virginia. If identifiers are removed from your private information or samples that are collected during this research, that information or those samples could be used for future research studies or distributed to another investigator for future research studies without your additional informed consent. The results of this research study may be presented in summary form at conferences, in presentations, reports to the sponsor, academic papers, and as part of a thesis/dissertation.

What else do I need to know? This project is being funded by the Institute of Creativity, Arts, and Technology and the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech. If you want your child to take part in this research study, your child will receive small prizes (i.e., stickers) after each session and a certificate of completion at the end upon approval of your child’s school. The stickers will be placed on child’s certificate at the end of each session. For the first four sessions, the certificate will be retrieved by the researcher to minimize disruptions in your child’s classroom. Upon completion of the final session, the certificate will be handed to directors or staff so that the child can pick it up during pick-up time. Your child’s classroom will be compensated with storybooks. We will not offer to share your child’s individual task results with you.

By choosing YES below, you indicate that you are a legal guardian of a child between 3-5 years, have read and understood this permission form, and give your permission for your child to take part in this research.
Child Name
Parent Name (Legal Guardian/Legally Authorized Representative) 
Parent Email Address (only for sending survey)
Optional: Check the items below if you agree to allow the current research team to use identifiable recordings of participation for the following purposes during the study period and beyond study completion. 
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