
Recreational Sports Facility Request Form

Reservations can be requested for:
-Fall on August 15 
-Spring on December 1
-Summer on April 1

War Memorial Gym is now open! Reservation requests for the spring semester can begin immediately. However, please note that we are still working on operational procedures and room availability may be subject to change. 

If you are trying to request a "Campus Common Space" such as a sand volleyball court or outdoor basketball court, please fill out this link (These space are managed by SECL): 
Campus Common Space & Advertising Request Form 2024-2025 (office.com)

To view the availability of Rec Sports spacesFacility Reservations | Recreational Sports | Virginia Tech (vt.edu) 
To reserve the VO Challenge Course: Venture Out Challenge Course Info Form (google.com)

*Please note that reservation requests requiring staffing must be submitted 10 business days in advance. This includes all turf field reservation requests, pool requests and anytime a request is outside of normal facility hours.
**Registered Student Orgs (RSO's) will be charged an hourly rate if their reservation is longer than 4 hours. 
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