
Questions marked with a * are required
CEED Fall Peer Mentoring Program 2024
New Mentor Application

Currently accepting applications for mentor positions for the following programs:

AHORA (Academic Hispanic OutReach Alliance)

BEST (Black Engineering Support Teams)

GUEST (General Undergraduate Engineering Support Teams)

WEST (Women in Engineering Support Teams)

1. Applications are due Friday, January 26, 2024 at 11:50pm.

2. Each question below must be completed and a resume must be uploaded for your application to be considered complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 

3. Please note that you cannot save your application and complete it later. We strongly suggest that you review the application first, type your essay responses into Word, and then paste those into your application when you are ready to submit. After clicking the arrows at the bottom of this page, the application is submitted and you will be unable to edit it. 

4. Note: Selected mentors must confirm that they will be in Blacksburg prior to August 17, 2024 and are responsible for securing their own housing and accommodations by this date. Failure to attend the in-person fall training session by this date will result in your peer mentor offer being rescinded. No virtual training option will be offered. 
Additionally, this means that any internships, co-ops, summer jobs, etc. need to conclude BEFORE the first day of fall training (August 17, 2024).
Contact Information
Student ID# (90*******)
Current Primary Major (For GE Students, Please Indicate Your Intended Major)
Current Secondary Major (if applicable):
Minor(s) (if applicable):
As of August 2024, my academic level will be (please mark one):
Overall GPA: 
Ex: 3.12/4.00
My first choice Team Mentor position is:
My second choice Team Mentor position is:
Team placement is based on the number of first-year students who sign up for the program. If you have selected AHORA, BEST, or WEST in the previous entries, indicate below if you would be willing to be a GUEST Mentor if not enough students sign up for AHORA, BEST, or WEST.
Were you a mentee in one of the CEED Fall Mentoring Programs including Peer Mentoring, Galileo, and Hypatia. If yes, when?
Cell Phone #: 
To help with overall communication during the mentoring program, if hired, do you give us permission to share your cell phone number and email address with the graduate student and seven peer leaders who will be running the program, your fellow mentors, and your assigned team of mentees?
I verify that I have the following documents in my possession or can get access to them prior to fall 2024: original social security card (it cannot be a copy of the card) or valid passport and valid driver's license.  If you are a non-resident alien you must provide: I-94, Visa, Passport, I-20, OR DS 2019 and Social Security Card.
Tell us why you want to be a CEED Peer Mentor. What can you bring to the program as a mentor? (250 word maximum)
Reflecting back on your resume, please elaborate on one of the organizations, clubs, sports, research (anything outside of academics) you are involved with and how you prioritize your involvement with your academics. (250 word maximum)
What lessons from your experience as a first year student would you like to convey to your mentees? (250 word maximum)
Who is an important mentor that has inspired you in your life and what qualities of theirs might you emulate as a mentor? (250 word maximum)
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